Yesterday, I told you that I was going to post about my resolutions for 2013… so here we go! My “main” resolution is to keep a Prayer Journal throughout the year. This year, I really want to focus on being prayerful. When people ask me to pray for something, I want to actually “write it down” and pray for them. I think that this will also be an awesome way to see how God is working in my life and the lives of others around me. Here is my “how to” on setting up a prayer journal:
2. Tab the notebook for each day of the week (& set categories)
Monday: Husband, Marriage, Relationships
Tuesday: Spiritual Life, Ministry
Wednesday: Work, Home
Thursday: Thanks/Praise, Friendships
Friday: Finances, Giving, Health
Saturday: Family, Neighbors
Sunday: Children, Church, Rest
3. Write 3 key verses about prayer at the beginning for focus, or key life verses you may have.
– Colossians 1:9-10
– John 15:4-8
– Philippians 4:4-7

Ex: Lord, show me how to make our home a safe haven – filled with your love and word. Help it be a place that builds up our family – a place of honesty and positivity – a source of contentment, acceptance, rejuvenation, nurturing, rest and love. I am doing a great work and I cannot come down – Nehemiah 6:3
*For urgent prayer request, I use sticky notes and move them each day.
If I don’t have anything new to write down, I simply use the book as a tool to pray through for the day. I want to let you know that by no means is this used to pray once for the day and be done. My goal is to be in constant prayer and communication with God. I am simply using this as a tool to be more intentional about my prayer life and praying for others.
Throughout the bible, you see how Paul continually prayed for the people he met and had a heavy heart for their ministry. “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus” – 1 Corinthians 1:4. I simply want to be more like this; in constant prayer.
“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” – Colossians 1:9-10
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Samantha Shepherd
This is such a valueable resolution! This past summer, God started really teaching me about praying specifically for others. And when I told someone I would pray for them I learned to write it down and truly pray for them as promised.
So encouraged by this! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Marquis Clarke
Samantha ShepherdI know! I just love the thought of being able to look back in a year and see how God has answered prayers. I think it will be a true outpouring of my heart and a great way to stay focused on God and others.
Ashley Robyn
I love this and love your organizing. Michael is a peace officer do all prayers of safety for him and others who serve are always helpful. 🙂 just adore the person you are. Your heart is so kind. Happy Wednesday.
Marquis Clarke
Ashley RobynThanks Ashley! I will definitely write that down. Hope you are having a good day 🙂
Andrea McCave
I love this! I started a prayer journal this yr too. also index cards for specific verses I want etched in my heart. Btw…I have a second blog… we would love for you to write a guest post about your journal if you are interested.
Marquis Clarke
Andrea McCaveAndrea,
I would love too! I will send you something.
I have tried and tried to keep a prayer journal/study journal and it has never worked before. I get caught up in the unorganized set up, and it just annoys me! But, I love the way you have organized yours, and I think this would help me stay organized, so I can truly focus on prayer (something I’m not at all good at). Thanks for sharing!
Marquis Clarke
EmilyThanks Emily! I know, just making a list hasn’t worked for me in the past so I am hoping the categories will help me stay organized and focused. 🙂
Ashley @ Always Ashley
This is fabulous! I mean I have a prayer/study journal but it has never been broken down into tabs! lol. I think you have me beat 🙂
I love that you are really taking this seriously and I can’t wait to see how God moves in your life this year 🙂
Ashley Danielle
Marquis Clarke
Ashley @ Always AshleyThanks Ashley! I’m really excited to see how this goes 🙂
Courtney Kassner
This is great! I prayer journaled for the first time last year and it was so amazing to go back and read those prayers and how they were answered. I love your idea on sectioning it off to days of the week/categories. Thanks so much for sharing!
Marquis Clarke
Courtney KassnerThat is awesome. I love that you have already done 🙂 makes me happy!
Stephanie F
Wow you are one amazing lady. I find it truly inspiring to meet people like you who have such passion for the Creator and a heart that loves to give. May God bless you and your loved ones! xoxo
Marquis Clarke
Stephanie FStephanie,
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate you following me and commenting. It is so great to meet such great people. May God bless you and your family as well.
Hey I just found you through another blog. Glad to ‘meet’ you and I look forward to following along! I’m your newest follower! 🙂 Happy New Year!
Marquis Clarke
KtbuttonsSo glad to meet you too! I am glad you found me; thanks for following. I can’t wait to check out your blog!
Sippy Cups and Pearls
Oh wow! I love this idea and totally might have to borrow it from you! So SO SO glad I found your blog from the Followers to Friends link up! by the way, you and your hubby are so lovely together in that picture – you really compliment each other well!
Marquis Clarke
Sippy Cups and PearlsPlease do; I would love for you to start one! Thank you for following, you are too sweet. Can’t wait to see your blog!
Your blog design is beautiful! So happy to have met you sweet girl!
Kaitlyn (:
Marquis Clarke
WifessionalsThank you Kaitlyn! I am still slowing adding stuff but i like it alot 🙂
I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I love this idea of starting a prayer journal, and the way you’ve set it up is awesome! I love having the sticky note with more urgent requests to move from day to day!
Marquis Clarke
I am glad you found my blog too! I am hoping the journal goes really good and is super functional!
Kisha Jaggers
New Follower! Found you through the Followers to Friends Link up! Love your blog! Stop by my blog at anytime and if you like what you see, follow back! Happy New Year! K Jaggers
Marquis Clarke
Kisha JaggersKisha,
Thanks for following; its exciting meeting new people! Can’t wait to check out your blog!
Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!
Marquis Clarke
Thanks for following; i will be looking at your blog soon!
Rachel Easley
Stopping by from the link up…I love that you are keeping a prayer journal. I might have to do this myself. I kept one back in high school and I really enjoyed it. It helped keep my wandering mind focused!!
Marquis Clarke
Rachel EasleyRachel,
You should! I think this is going to be a great journey. Thanks for following; can’t wait to see your blog.
Jo Lane
Hello! I am following you from the blog hop! The prayer journal is a great idea!!!! Hope you follow back 🙂
Marquis Clarke
Jo LaneThanks for following; I am going to your blog right now 🙂
I LOVE this. I love the idea. I love the journal …the design….the tabs..Everything! I need to do this!!!
Marquis Clarke
CatThanks Cat!!! 🙂
Hello stopping by from the link up. Journaling what your praying for is awesome. I love your blog, new follower 🙂
Marquis Clarke
IleanaThanks for following! I’m glad you like the journal!
What a wonderful journal. I’m already a follower, visiting today from the hop.
Marquis Clarke
mail4roseyThank you! 🙂
Looks Great!!! Happy new year.
Kids Games
Marquis Clarke
AltaxThank you! Happy New Year to you too!
Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide
I just linked up for the thirsty Thursday blog hop! I am loving reading your blogs, I hope you have a great day! I am a new follower, so if you get time please stop by my blog!
Happy Thursday,
Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide
Marquis Clarke
Chelsee @ Southern Beauty GuideChelsee,
Thanks for linking up and following! I will defiantly go follow your blog 🙂
Esther Davison
I’m a new GFC follower from the almost Friday hop. I love the prayer journal idea. I have done it once before. Esther Norine Designs
Marquis Clarke
Esther DavisonThank you! It’s seasoned to meet people who have done one. How did it go for you?
Lauren Elliott
I adore this idea. I have done prayer journals before, but I like how you have broken it into days and categories. Praying for you a joyful beginning to this new year! 🙂
Lauren @ Simply Free
Marquis Clarke
Lauren ElliottThanks Lauren! I am hoping the categories will work and help me focus!
I’ve heard of other people doing this–and of later being able to go back and see how God answered the prayers that they’d been praying throughout the year. That will definitely be exciting to look forward to, as you keep a record!
Marquis Clarke
RachelI am hoping so! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Marquis Clarke
This is such a wonderful idea! I had been trying to think of new ways to enhance my prayer life, and this just might help with that. My husband and I recently started a prayer chalk board. We hung a chalkboard by our front door and when people have prayer needs, we write them on the board. Then, as we’re walking out the door, we make a point to pray over one or two of those requests. It’s been neat to be able to “erase away” some of the requests as we’ve seen God answer through them.
I’m so excited to have found your blog! I love finding blogs of other women who love Christ and walking through the Christian walk together with them, even in the blogging world. 🙂 I blog, as well, over at
Teresa Jones
Great idea! Love your prayer journal.
Love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing.