I like to avoid pain and hurting all costs, physically and emotionally. Its not enjoyable and I certainly don’t ask for it. But, it still happens. In the past several years, I have seen a lot of pain physically and emotionally. I have seen Alzheimer’s wreak havoc. I endured a tough pregnancy. I have seen tragic sudden death of loved ones. I have seen death by old age, expected, yet painful. I have watched a brain tumor take my aunts life too soon. I have seen loved ones live through pain daily. I have seen emergency surgeries. I have seen planned surgeries. I have seen struggle. And now, we are living through my sister-in-laws stage four breast cancer diagnosis. Hurting. It is all around us.
It is in the mom sitting next to a hospital bed as her child fights for their life. Its in the solider returning home trying to find a new normal. Its in the tears of someone who lost everything they own in a natural disaster. Its in the person next to you in the grocery store. Hurting.
So, what do we do when God gives us more than we can handle? What do we do when we don’t understand His plan? What do we do when we don’t see any good? What do we do when our world is turned upside down? What do we do when we feel alone? What do we do when we are mad?
I’ve wrestled with this and honestly, God didn’t bring the sin. God didn’t bring the death. He warned us. And God doesn’t want you to feel alone. He says he will never leave you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
You never have to feel alone. You never have to act strong. God doesn’t expect you to be strong or make sense of the mess and chaos in this world. He already sent someone to save the world.
He wants to show you that leaning on Him through the hurting is the only way you’ll find the strength to keep moving forward. It’s His power, grace and love wrapped up into one. It’s hard and confusing and messy and real. But, it is also a beautiful love story. God doesn’t expect you to do it alone. I truly believe that surrendering to God is the key to peace and joy in your darkest hours.
Surrender through prayer and worship. But how? How do you pray and worship when you are hurting?
Openly, Honestly, and Faithfully.
I know when your mad, it can be hard to even start. I don’t know about you, but when I’m mad, I don’t tend to want to talk anyone. So, the first step is being open. Being open and honest with God in prayer. Telling him your thoughts, hurts, struggles and asking for His help and strength. I’ve spent a lot of prayers telling Him I don’t understand. A lot of prayers asking His for help to not be angry. A lot of prayers just crying.
Next, pray faithfully. In good times and in rough times, keep the lines of communication open. Be faithful to pray daily for struggles, hurts, praises and others. This daily surrender has been key in my life and healing. It gives me peace and joy knowing that I don’t have to keep it all in. I have a God who listens, cares and loves me deeply through the hurting.
So, if you don’t know where to start or how to even pray when your hurting – just talk openly, honestly and faithfully.