While most people are already drowning in heavy doses of red and green while listening to Christmas music, we are only 6 days into “Thankful” month and I wanted to pause and talk about thankfulness in Marriage. It almost seems small in comparison to other “larger” topics of marriage. I mean, you hear about improving your communication or working on your budget – but rarely about practicing thankfulness in your marriage. Maybe because it seems almost “natural”, but are you really practicing it in your marriage? When was the last time you expressed thankfulness?
Between the daily grind of chores, work obligations and normal, its easy to forget to be thankful for the everyday. Here are a few ways to practice Thankfulness in your marriage:
Speak It
Yes, again it sounds funny, but let your husband know that you are thankful for him. Tell him out loud and be specific. I’m thankful for the man you are – I love seeing what a great father you are to our kids. Your work ethic is inspiring. I love when you serve our family by doing the dishes, it is just so helpful and I’m so thankful for you. Do this often and very specifically.
Text It
Send him a short and sweet message of thanks. Thank him for breakfast or for something he has done recently for your family. Its the little things. A quick text can mean so much.
Write It
And just as a quick text can have great meaning, it is also a great idea to write it out in long form every now and again. I like to do this by leaving a note for Kevin around the house or taped to the door or in an email while he is at work.
Show It
Don’t forget to physically show that you are thankful for them. Give them a hug or a kiss. Maybe even do one of their “chores” for them to show them how thankful you are. You could also pick up his favorite candy or dinner to surprise him and show him how thankful you.
The key is to practice thankfulness and let your husband know! Think of everything you love about them, all that do for you, for your family and let them know often! This is such a great month to put these things back into our everyday practice.