
Best of Simply Clarke 2018

Marriage 20 Acts of Gratitude Toward Your Husband 25 Ways To Show Your Husband Love  12 Habits For A Happy Marriage  Favorite Marriage Quotes And Verses  7 Prayers For A Better Marriage  Faith 4 Ways To Combat Anxiousness  25 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Husband  Verses To Pray Over Your Home  12 Verses When You Feel Unworthy  How To Pray[...]


Clarke Residence Update #7

It's time for Clarke Residence Update #7. I know it has only been two weeks, but so much has happened at the house I thought it was time to share more! Everything is in the final phases and each time I go to the house i just want to stay longer and longer. It feels like home and I am so ready to live there. Since your last update, we have finished most of the tile in the house, met with ou[...]


Last Minute Gift Ideas for Him

If your man is anything like mine, he can be so hard to shop for! He never gives me a list or very many ideas. Want in on a big secret? My key to shopping for Kevin is keeping a list ALL YEAR LONG'.. Thats right. I have a list in a special place and every time I get an idea or he mentions something in passing, I write it down. This is seriously the only way I get ideas. Here are a few gr[...]


Last Minute Gift Ideas for Her

Better late than never! FINALLY sharing my Christmas Wish List and last minute for her gift ideas! I'm pretty much obsessed with everything on this list so Kevin, if you need an idea - pick away babe :) In all seriousness, these are all great ideas. From a nice pair of slip on shoes, to a new handbag, to jewelry to basic tees. If you feel like splurging a little this year, you can always[...]


Toddler Stocking Stuffer Ideas

I am a member of the buybuy BABY babyhood influencer network, however all opinions expressed in this post are my own. #buybuyBABY #babyhood #sponsored Growing up in our house, I of course like any kid, couldn't wait for Christmas morning. I loved seeing if Santa took that last bite of cookie or if he drank all of his milk. There was just always so much excitement in the air. I also[...]


Lolleez: The Mom Essential for Cold Season

If you follow along on Instagram, you most likely noticed that our little family suffers with severe allergies and we have been passing around a cold for over a month. I even lost my voice for two weeks over Thanksgiving! I am finally feeling better, and now Little Kev is starting to get another runny nose and cough.  And, Brooke woke up stuffy this morning (enter big mom sigh). There[...]


December 2018 Stitch Fix Review

My October 2018 Stitch Fix was so great! Seriously, my best tip for Stitch Fix is to stay with the same stylist so they can learn your style. I have been with the same stylist for so long and she just gets me. Almost every box is a “OMG I’m gonna break the bank and keep all five type of deal…” So, for any newbies, let me break down what Stitch Fix is really quick. Stitch[...]


Top Christmas Door Mats

We are in full crazy house mode over here! Our poor fedex, ups and usps people are delivering normal work packages, christmas packages and new house stuff right now! It got me thinking about festive door mats as I was collecting all our 9 packages off of the door the other day. I wonder if they ever read peoples door mats? I would think a funny one would make them chuckle. Who knows?[...]


Clarke Residence Update #6

Woah! Its been a hot minute since I wrote a house update. It is more than time to update you guys on the process and I couldn't be more excited. Every time I go in the house now, it feels like Christmas morning. It is so exciting to watch everything come to life. So much has happened since the last update, so I am sure I will leave a few details out, but I will try not too! In the past mon[...]