
The Fashion Boutiques in Austin, Tx

Austin, Tx

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Ultimate Holiday Toy Headquarters

This post is sponsored by buybuy BABY. If you have been around Simply Clarke for a while, then you know we have a deep love for buybuy BABY. I was initially drawn to the store as a new mom due to their knowledgeable staff and organized way their present all of the options on the market. However, as my babies have grown into toddlers, I still continue to love shopping at buybuy BABY. We sho[...]


Prayer of Thankfulness For Your Husband

Lord, In this week of "Thankfulness" I want to stop and thank you for all you have done in my life. You have revealed yourself to me and given me the greatest gift of knowing you. All of my joy comes from you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for pursuing me. Thank you for giving me the perfect example of how to love. I also want to thank you for giving me the[...]


Summer Infant® Baby Pixel® Cadet™ Review

Our Baby Monitor has probably been our MOST USED baby item and looking back, I wish I would have known more about the great features on the market. We have used our baby monitors every day since Brooke was born and she is now 3 1/2. We have one in her room, one in her brothers room, and will have one in our new playroom once our house is done being built. I LOVE monitors. As a new mom, the[...]


When You Become A NICU Parent

This post is sponsored by Carter's on behalf of Everywhere Agency; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Nothing really prepares you for the moment you actually realize you are in labor and are about to have a baby. I remember not really wanting to talk very much as I was in labor with Brooke (until the epidural kicked in that is) and Kevin wanted to scream at the top of his lung[...]


20 Acts of Gratitude Toward Your Husband

You may have noticed the trend already, but for this month, I am trying to have all of the marriage posts focus on thankfulness or gratitude in honor of "thankful month". The Holiday’s are such a fun time of year. I love all of the family events, parties with friends, celebrations and joy. However, the Holiday’s are also known as the busiest season of the year. With your calendar comp[...]


How To Craft A Veggie-Packed Family Fun Night

This post is sponsored by Pinnacle Foods. All comments and opinions are my own. I consider myself pretty Type A. I love a good planner. Checking off things on my to do list excites me. And, I love a good plan. However, as a mom of two, I can't tell you how many times my "plans" have been thrown out the window or ended in disappointment. After learning the hard way, I try to embrace the ch[...]


The ONE Item You NEED For The Holidays

This post is sponsored by Burt's Bees, however, all opinions are my own. Okay Okay, I say this a lot, but this really is the ONE item you NEED for the Holidays. If your schedule is anything like mine, your calendar is filled with family events, holiday parties, and special activities as we round out November and head into December. This means lots of unexpected picture taking and seeing p[...]


8 Tips For Perfect Straight Hair

This post was sponsored by Revlon Hair Tools as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. With the exception of the last two years, I have styled my hair straight for the majority of my life, so most people don't know that I have naturally curly, wavy hair. It is not straight at all. It is frizzy and just curls up at the sign[...]