&…. I am super excited for today because… A) It’s bachelor day B) One more day til… Kev and I are staying at a hotel to celebrate our anniversary
When I open the fridge, I always hope I find…. an ice cold diet coke. It will set me off if there isn’t one.. i might be slightly addicted
My favorite article of clothing is… my black maxi dress or my grey tank top or my home tee. This is a super hard sentence to finish, because I have a lot of favorites. I also love my boyfriends jeans.
Last week I was really upset when… I was feeling overwhelmed about a few things one night.
One thing nobody understands about me is… how I can’t remember what light switch does what.
One thing I don’t understand is… loss.
The world would be a better place if… everyone got along 🙂
If I had a million dollars, I’d… do a lot of things…. ugh i dunno
If I knew I’d die next week, this week I’d…. spend lots of time with people I love, laughing.
If I could change one thing about myself, it would be… my arms. I would def want more muscular arms. just saying.
Something that can always make me happy is… my husband. He keeps me constantly laughing and smiling.
Something I’ll never blog about is… _______. If I said it, it would completely be pointless now wouldn’t it?
If I could go anywhere I would go… Italy. Spain. Germany. Canada. Rio. Dc. New York. Bahamas. My parents house. Because… I just want to.
If I were an animal I would be a … white tiger. easy.
A job I’ve always wanted is… to blog full-time and have an online business.
My idea of a perfect day is… shipleys with the hubby. shopping. lunch with the bestie at my fav sandwich shop.pedicure. pool time. dinner with the hubby. a movie at home with hubby/game night with friends.
Marquis Clarke
That image made me laugh. Girl, I cannot wait for overnight dates tonight. Woopwoop! xx
Marquis Clarke
My parents have lived in the same house for almost 10 years and I’ve lived here for most of those 10 years and I still flip them all up and down trying to figure out which switch does what.
Marquis Clarke
I haven’t done the Blogging Everyday in July link up but I plan on doing this prompt tomorrow! I love your answers. We just moved into our new place and I am still figuring out what switch goes to what. Also, choosing a favorite article of clothing was really hard! Hope you had a wonderful weekend 🙂