Beso by Johanna is an adorable shop online that sells unique handbags, jewelry and scarves. I love their handbags like the Penny bag shown above. You can pick which fabric you would like as well, so it’s really customizable. I am also swooning over their Liz bag which is a crossbody bag that still gives you ton of space to put all of your stuff. Also, as you can probably tell above, their Beaded bracelet is great for stacking with other bracelets and watches. They come in sets of 1, 3, or 6 so you can pick your colors you like as well. I choose bronze, cream and aqua for my set but am really wanting a gold one now too. I just love how simple they are and how they go with everything. & today, they are offering 10% off your purchase with promo code CLARKE10 as well as, giving away a set of 3 bracelets. Enter to win below and make sure to go check out their site!!
Check out this month’s sponsor:
Marta K
Is this open internationally?
Thank you!