Last August, I took a pregnancy test one night with Kevin and it said “Negative.” Kevin and I had always wanted to start a family, we just weren’t quite planning on it yet. So, we were both relieved and laughed it off. Then, the next day, I took a test by myself at home right before he got home and the word “Pregnant” glared back at me. Let’s just say Kevin walked in the house to a sobbing wife on the couch. He immediately asked me what was wrong, I smiled, and handed him the pregnancy test. He started laughing and sat across from me. I think he laughed on and off the whole night. His reaction was so awesome. We were both thrilled that we were going to be parents.
Fast forward 8 months to April. Seeing Kevin hold Brooke for the first time was so surreal and as the weeks have gone by, I still get that same feeling when I see him holding her. I am just so proud of the man and dad he is to our little girl. Every night, he holds her and rocks her to sleep. I know it is a special time for them each day, but it is also special to me as well, because I get to see the love he has for her so clearly.
We couldn’t imagine life without our little Miss Brooke. The day we found out we were pregnant will forever be so special so us. Check out this new Dove Men+Care “First Fatherhood Moments” film that shows real men finding out they are going to be a dad and the emotion they feel as they enter parenthood.
Also, starting this Father’s Day, new dads will receive a Dove Men+Care “Dad Care Package” in select hospitals across the country, equipping them to care for themselves and others from the first moments of fatherhood. The goal of the program is to reach 10,000 new dads. The “Dad Care Package” will include the range of Dove Men+Care grooming products as well as a letter from a real dad from Dove Men+Care’s “To All Dads” collection, a product coupon and burp cloth to provide care from the first moment. I love that Dove Men+Care recognizes that showing care is a sign of a man’s real strength and that they have partnered with dads across the country to make a difference. You can follow Dove Men+Care on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can also share your own stories about the fathers in your life using the hashtag #RealStrength.
Becoming a parent is the most amazing experience, and I am so thankful to journey down this path with Kevin.
Cassie Lee
So sweet! I look forward to the day I get to see my husband with our baby!
JLynn Justad
This is so sweet. That video was the cutest! Thanks for sharing! x
Keating Bartlett
Such a great post! You two are amazing parents and it’s been so fun to watch your little family grow 🙂
Andi Perullo de Ledesma
I love love love watching my son and husband interact. Best feeling in the world. 🙂