Thank you Tom’s of Maine for sponsoring this post.
As a SAHM and blogger now, I must admit that my day is even more busy than when I was working full time out of the house. Blogging full time and staying home with our kiddos has been an adjustment for sure, but I feel so extremely blessed to have the opportunity to be with my littles all day long. I have finally gotten in a little grove and have been able to add in little things that are just for me, like whitening my teeth with Tom’s of Maine Luminous White Toothpaste. I have found that little things like this really help give me things for me. When you are taking care of two little ones all day, you don’t have much time for things for yourself; someone always needs you. I am loving how easy it is to fit Tom’s of Maine in my day, so I thought I would share our schedule with you.
Our Morning
Anywhere from 6-6:45am Brooke decides its time to wake up and comes to our room. She will normally lay on a pallet we have out for her for a little bit, or we turn cartoons on for her. But, by about 7:15 she is wanting us to get up. I get up and go feed Brother then change everyone’s diapers. After that, I head to our bathroom and put my contacts in, then brush my teeth with Tom’s of Maine. Tom’s of Maine Luminous White whitening toothpaste uses a clinically proven natural whitening technology to remove surface stains that is also safe for everyday use and has effective whitening with only naturally-derived ingredients that work to remove surface stains for whiter teeth in two weeks.
After this, we all head downstairs for breakfast. We normally all eat breakfast together and play for a little bit, then go back up stairs while Kevin is getting for work. Brooke plays in her room while I make all the beds and pick up toys. I like to have the upstairs picked up by the time Kevin is leaving for work. When he leaves, we head back downstairs for the rest of the morning. If I have errands to run for the day, this is when we leave the house to get things done.

Lunch Time
Brooke tends to play with her toys downstairs like her kitchen and stroller for most of the morning. We also build blocks and play with puzzles. Then, she is hungry for lunch around 11am. I make her lunch and I normally eat with her. After lunch, we play for a little bit which normally includes me chasing her around the house or us going outside to check the mail. Also, once a week, we go have lunch with Kevin, so on those days, we leave and go hang out with him before nap time. Brooke tends to lay down for a nap around 12:30pm. If we are out and about, I don’t worry about it, but we try to be home at least by 1pm for a nap.
Nap Time
During nap time, I get things done! I tend to pick up all the toys downstairs and then work on blog posts. I should mention that during the morning, I try to answer all my emails and catch up on social media posts. Typically, Brooke naps until 2:30-3:30. I feel so extremely blessed that she is such a good sleeper. On a good day, she will nap for about 3 hours which gives me some great time to get things done.
After nap time, we hang out upstairs if the weather isn’t nice or we play outside in her water table or blow bubbles. If I have blog pictures to take, this is when I take pictures. Basically, we play more until Daddy gets home from work. We also have a snack about 4pm and sometimes even a second snack.
When Kevin gets home from work, I’ll admit, our house gets a lot more fun. He really brings the energy up and lots of smiles to our house. Him and Brooke normally play and chase each other while I make dinner. Brother tends to be crying while I make dinner (its his fussy time of day) so that’s not fun. After dinner, we give the kids baths and start our bedtime routine.

After the kids go to bed, I tend to work on blog posts more or spend time with Kevin. Then I start my bedtime routine by taking off my make up (if I have any on) and brushing my teeth with Tom’s of Maine Luminous White Toothpaste. I feed Brother about 10:30pm, then we all go to bed by 12am.
Interested in a natural way to whiten your teeth? Tom’s most advanced natural whitening toothpaste, Luminous White, is safe on enamel and safe for everyday use. You can grab yours at Target. On top of being a great toothpaste, they have a great company. For over 45 years, Tom’s of Maine has invested in hundreds of nonprofit efforts by giving 10% of its profits back to organizations that support people and the planet and by encouraging employees to use 5% (12 days) of paid time to volunteer.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.