Every child is so precious and deserves a chance in life. Becoming a mom has been one of the most joyous things in my life. I have learned so much in the past year and a half about life, love and sacrifice. However, my sacrifice looks different than other mothers around the world today. I recently read a really moving story about a young girl named Cindy, who grew up in poverty in Colombia. She spoke about how their economic situation wasn’t the best, but her mother did everything possible to care for her and show her love. Her mother did chores at a friends house for food, and even worked as a maid in order to be with her daughter. They lived in a community with violence, sanitation issues, and safety concerns.
Then, when Cindy was 5, Children International came to her community and she was enrolled in the program. Cindy was soon sponsored and her life was changed. She dreamed of being a nurse and through the programs and guidance of Children International, she now works as nursing assistant. One of the most powerful statements she made was that seeing the sacrifices her mother made gave her the strength to keep moving forward and be able to change her life story. Through sacrifice and with the help of Children International, long lasting impacts were made.

Are we making those types of long lasting impacts? I asked myself that question as I read Cindy’s story. Am I impacting my daughter in that big of a way? I want my children to strive to be their best, be kind and serve others. In order to instill this in them, I know that I have to model that type of behavior. So, as the “season of giving” is in full swing, are we really giving in all of the right places? It is really easy to get caught up in all the details and forget that we have an immense opportunity in our society today to truly help others.
One of those opportunities is to support Children International. Children International is focused on making a long-term impact by helping kids in poverty. They have a bold vision: graduating healthy, educated, empowered and employed young adults from their program so they can achieve the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. They focus on developing healthy habits, provide medical care when needed, give children access to education/educational supplies, and have leadership programs that empower, and help prepare children for jobs. They are fighting poverty in countries all around the world through these four pillars and you can help. Anyone can join their team through sponsorship or donations. The cost to sponsor a child like Cindy is $32 a month. You can go to the Children International website and see real children that are waiting to be sponsored right now.
What struck me the most about this organization is the big aspect they put on relationships. They forge meaningful personal connections between kids, communities and supporters. They have unique community center facilities that provide a safe haven to kids in dangerous environments and offer life-changing programs. You can even choose to visit the child you support one day if you would like. That is such a powerful vision. Children International knows the challenges these children will face in their life are very real, but they face them head on with powerful solutions.
You can be a part of the powerful solution by making a donation in any amount, sponsoring a child, or simply sharing your voice. I found their sharing your voice tab on their website and loved how you can use social media to share the cause if you can’t donate monetarily or even on top of a monetary donation. Your voice is powerful. Relationships are powerful. And, I truly believe that we can change the world of poverty with everyone’s help.
Classic Kolbs
Stories like this put everything in perspective. We may face hard times in our life but in the grand scheme of things, we actually have more to be thankful for than we realize. Having a degree in elementary education, children are really a big part of my heart. This year my husband and I sponsored a child from Peru through Compassion International (a christian organization) and we help feed, clothe, educate and teach him about Jesus through our simple donation. It is such a heartwarming feeling knowing what kind of difference we are making in this little boys life, especially when we get a letter and a picture from him in the mail.