Little Man (better known as BroYo),
We prayed for you before you were born and had so much excitement welcoming you into our family. The journey to have you was very challenging, and your entrance into this world was different than we expected, but you were so LOVED! You spent your first few days in the NICU which made me very upset – I wanted you home with all of us. I had so many happy tears when you met your sister for the first time and got to come home with us. We all adored (& adore) you.
The day we got to take you home was a relief, we were finally a family of four. You immediately fit right into our lives and family as if you were always there. As if we were missing you all along and never knew it. Day by day, our love for you continually grew and your sister wanted to be with you constantly.
I spent countless hours nursing you, playing with you, taking care of you and just holding you. And, so did your sister. When you cried, she brought you a pacifier or blanket. She gave you a million kisses. Your daddy rivaled her in kisses and love. He spent countless hours cleaning pump stuff, holding you and serving our family. The amount of love the three of us have for you is incredible. You are our Brother Bear, Little Man, Baby Kevin, BooBoo and Broyo.
You became our precious gift. Each of us love to kiss those adorable cheeks! I watched you learn so much over this past year and grow into an incredibly lovable, fun one year old. You constantly make me laugh and fill my heart with joy. You give me comfort and calm me. You make me better.
I will never forget the first time you said “dada” and how excited I was – or when you learned how to give kisses and constantly give us all the kisses. My heart leaps in excitement every time. I will also never forget how temperamental you are. You have been a BIG mama’s boy this first year and very fussy at times, but you have grown through it. Even through the rough times of this first year, your smile and adorable laugh has kept me strong.
One of my favorite sights will forever be you and your sister playing together. The love you have for each other fills my heart with so much joy. And, I love our family cuddles. Weekend mornings spent all cuddling in bed have my heart forever.
We made it through the first year, Broyo. Thank you for the incredible joy you have brought to my life. You will forever be our little man and booboo boy.
I love you sweet boy,