22 Week Bumpdate
size of the baby: coconut – about 10.9 inches
total weight gain: about 10 pounds
gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We got his stocking in the mail this week and I just can’t wait to see all 4 of our stockings hanging together on the mantel.
clothes: I living in preggo leggings, my pink blush maternity jeans, tees and cardigans. Seriously, the best mom uniform.
movement: He is constantly on the move! I feel like his kicks are a lot stronger than Brooke’s were, maybe I’m just more sensitive this time, but dang, that boy can kick.
sleep: I haven’t slept as good this week. I have been having lots of dreams and waking up a lot.
missing: not too much this week.
craving: blooming onion still… donuts.. coffee
symptoms: We found out at the doctor last week that my tailbone pain is actually sciatica pain so I have been adjusting how i’m sitting at work and stretching to help with the pain. Also, Kevin is helping massage it and we have a referral to a specialist if its gets too bad. Overall, normal pregnancy discomfort this week.
kevin is: celebrating his birthday week this week! I am pumped for his birthday even if he doesn’t like to celebrate!
looking forward to: Kev’s birthday, putting our Christmas decorations up and getting in the Christmas spirit.
best moments: getting to see our family for thanksgiving! Ps. Ignore the no make up.. I was lazy
You look great! I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well. Hopefully this week is better. Happy Birthday to your husband! I always loved feeling my kids moving. It’s a neat experience.
Heather Hammel
I heard the second time around you feel movements much stronger and earlier on. I think it has to do with your muscles or something and I think just being more used to everything and knowing more about what baby movements feel like. I didn’t feel any movements until about 2 days before I was 23 weeks pregnant but then again, I might have been feeling movements before that and just kept 2nd guessing myself as a first time mom.