
Accessorize Your Holidays With Zenni

Most people don't know this about me, but I have had glasses or contacts since Fifth Grade. I remember going through the initial phase of being embarrassed by glasses and then slowly growing to see them as fabulous accessories. Over the years, I have grown to love glasses and now, I use them more than ever. I struggle with chronic dry eye that lands me in glasses quite a bit. Because[...]


25 Perfect Gift Ideas for Your Husband

Last month, I wrote a post about 25 ways to show your husband love broken down into the 5 love languages. You all loved it so much, I decided to keep expanding upon this for the holiday season and breakdown gift ideas for your husband based on his love language. We all know men can be hard to shop for, so hopefully this helps you! You have probably heard me mention these before, but i[...]


5 Ways To Get In The Holiday Spirit

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Danone and JM Smucker. The opinions and text are all mine.   var ts=document.getElementById('ti-pixel-tracker'); var axel = Math.random() + ""; var num = axel * 1000000000000000000; var ti=document.createElement("img"); ti.style.display="none"; ti.src="https://tracking.tapinfluence.com/trk/TDRHH/w3lrx/p.png?p=YKFMa" + St[...]


Feel Confident with Your Style

Austin, Tx

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqtese magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisq condimea massaide massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Ipsum quis posuere dignis sime, metus magna aliquam felis, et scelerisque sem arcu sed lorem. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. E[...]

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The Christmas Book Family Tradition + $500 Giveaway

This post is sponsored by Upparent, however all opinions are my own. I remember several different Christmas traditions from when I was a kid - from shopping with my mom, to baking cookies with Granny, to wrapping gifts with Dad. There are so many fun memories created in your childhood. Once Kevin and I got married, we merged some of our traditions and created some of our own. He always lo[...]


Bohemian Wedding Trends for Her

Austin, Tx

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqtese magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisq condimea massaide massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Ipsum quis posuere dignis sime, metus magna aliquam felis, et scelerisque sem arcu sed lorem. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. E[...]

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5 Simple Ways You Can Help The Environment

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Stonyfield Organic. The past few months I have been sharing about Stonyfield Organic’s StonyFIELDS Initiative to help spread the word about their new mission to make every field in America ORGANIC by stopping the use of harmful pesticides on playing fields. Stonyfield doesn't just sell yogurt, they really care about your family and wa[...]


3 Ways To Contribute To End Childhood Hunger

This post is sponsored by Church's Chicken. Today, Little Kevin was a wild man. He was standing up on the couch, running around and then diving off. Each time I was there to grab him just in time before he fell crashing down -- until that last second. He dove off the couch, face first into our glass side table. He immediately began to cry. He felt the pain. I picked up him, comforted him,[...]


Stay on Trend with Summer Tees

Austin, Tx

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqtese magna, eleifend et enim sit amet, tempor scelerisq condimea massaide massa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Ipsum quis posuere dignis sime, metus magna aliquam felis, et scelerisque sem arcu sed lorem. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. E[...]