Happy Monday friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today, I wanted to share a NEW great baby product with you. When I find an awesome product, I love to talk about it and I think you will love the Tranquilo Mat as well. The Tranquilo Mat is a portable vibrating mat that soothes your baby. You may have heard about it or seen it on Shark Tank!
One night in 2011, while caring for three crying babies, maternal nurse, Melissa Gersin came up with the idea for the Tranquilo Mat and five years later, it was available for purchase. This product was truly birthed out of need and vision to help others.

How It Works
So, how does it work? Tranquilo Mat is an electronic, portable mat that consoles babies by mimicking the sounds and motion they felt in the womb. While babies are in the womb, they are gently swayed and jostled from every move you make, as well as lulled by constant motion and sounds from your heart beats, blood flow, and other bodily functions. The sounds inside the womb have been recorded as high as 80-90 decibels—nearly as loud as a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer (which is why a hair drying works wonders)!
Once a baby is born, that constant motion and white noise suddenly stops. Through his work with newborns, pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp (of “Happiest Baby on the Block”) found that most fussy babies are soothed by harnessing the calming reflex through “shushing” and constant motion reminiscent of the womb. This is great news, except driving around the block and bouncing up and down is exhausting for already sleep-deprived new parents. Enter the Tranquilo Mat for relief!

Our Thoughts
You may be thinking that a swing or vibrating chair would do the trick too and you would be correct, but what about your busy on the go lifestyle?! Do you really want to lug a swing around an airport or take it in the car every time you go to grandmas house? I think not!
Baby Kev loves vibrations so the Tranquilo Mat has been perfect for us. We take it with us to our parents house and use it on his play mat! You can even use the mat while holding your baby so you never have to loose contact with them. While the mat works best from birth to 4 months, I’ll attest that Brooke thinks its pretty cool and enjoys the mat too!
Above all, I love the convienance and portable aspect of the Tranquilo Mat. Traveling and even daily tasks can be hard with a crying infant and this just helps soothe them in a way they are use to in the womb.

Where to Buy
Right now, you can buy yours online and at a few small boutiques. Later in the year, they will be in bigger retailers like my FAV buybuy BABY! Be sure to grab one for your babe or even as a shower gift!
Mary @ Eat Drink & Be Mary
What an awesome invention! I love watching Shark Tank And the products that come from it.